Ayurvedic Nutrition, Tongue Diagnosis and Fasting
Ayurvedic Nutrition: Ayurvedic nutrition is a holistic dietary approach rooted in ancient Indian wisdom. It emphasizes personalized dietary plans based on individual constitution (dosha), aiming to promote balance and vitality through the consumption of nourishing whole foods in harmony with one's unique needs and digestive fire (agni).
Ayurvedic Tongue Diagnosis: Ayurvedic tongue diagnosis is a traditional method used to assess one's health and well-being by examining the appearance of the tongue. This ancient practice involves analyzing the color, coating, texture, and other characteristics of the tongue to identify imbalances in the body and determine underlying health issues. By interpreting the signs present on the tongue, Ayurvedic practitioners can tailor treatment plans to restore balance and support overall wellness.
Fasting and Cleansing: These practices in Ayurveda aim to purify and rejuvenate the body, mind, and spirit. By abstaining from food or following specific cleansing diets, they promote detoxification, digestive rest, and overall well-being.
Ayurvedic Nutrition
Ayurvedic Living Nutrition
1 Feb - 25 April
The Fasting Path: Inner Quest Experience Virtual (Retreat)
1 Feb - 7 Feb
Vital Energy: The Next Generation of Powerful Biological Rejuventators (Series)
1 Feb - 22 Feb
Nourishing Wisdom: Feeding the Body Nourishing the Spirit (Series)
29 Feb - 28 March
Conscious Nutrition: Ancient Wisdom Modern Science (Series)
4 April - 25 April
Ayurvedic Tongue Diagnosis
Ayurvedic Tongue Diagnosis: Constitution Medicine (Course)
4 Feb - 22 April
Ayurvedic Nutrition: Increasing Your Life Force Energy (Workshop)
1 - 3 March
Ayurvedic Essentials: Ancient Wisdom for Whole Living (4-Week Series)
4 March - 25 March
Ayurvedic Tongue Diagnosis: What Your Tongue Reveals About Your Health (4-Week Series)
1 April - 29 April
Ayurveda & The Importance of the Gut Microbiome (4-Week Series)
13 May - 3 June
Fasting & Cleansing
Seasonal Cleanses: One-on-One Program
Vata Late Fall / Early Winter Cleanse
Kapha Late Winter / Early Spring Cleanse
Pitta Late Spring / Summer Cleanse
The Fasting Path: Inner Quest 7-Day Experience
This is a life-changing week-long immersion. It is a self-healing process that purifies the body and mind and feeds the spirit, taking us closer to the peaceful truth of who we are.