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Seasonal Cleanses:
Kapha Late Winter / Early Spring Cleanse (One-on-One Program)
Explore the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda in our 7-day personalized cleanse. Tailored herbal formulations, expert consultations, and purification practices guide you on a transformative journey to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit.
Embrace holistic well-being with this unique fusion of tradition and modernity, available online and in-person.
Workshop Information (click the tabs below)
Ayurveda is a holistic form of medicine practiced for thousands of years. It emphasizes integrating physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of a person’s health to promote overall well-being. Ayurveda believes that each individual has a unique combination of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), which determine their physical and mental characteristics and overall health.
The ancient medicinal approach is based on the belief that the universe comprises five elements – Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Ether. The combination of these elements gives rise to three humours, or doshas, named Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is believed that these doshas are responsible for an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Each person is said to have a unique ratio of each dosha, with one usually standing out more than the others.
Our bodies and minds accumulate ama, toxins and energetic sludge as we go through our daily lives. We are exposed to an overwhelming amount of things that we cannot fully digest, such as food, stress, environmental pollutants, and other forms of stimulation. However, regular cleansing can help us prevent this buildup and Reset, Repair, Rest, and Rejuvenate our bodies and minds. Our bodies and minds can recover by taking a break from the constant stimulation. During the gentle slowness of cleansing, we can heal.
One 7-Day Cleanse, 3 Times a Year
As the seasons change, purifying and rejuvenating our bodies is essential to maintain optimal health. This helps to eliminate excess dosha from the previous season and prepares us for the upcoming one. Our 7-day detox programs provide deep, gentle, and effective cleansing to restore dosha balance, support overall well-being, and enhance metabolism. We understand that everyone has a unique lifestyle, so we personalize the program to fit your needs. The program is available both in-person and online.
We will start with two 30-minute intake consultations to discuss your current status, goals, and seasonal challenges for this time of the year. Additionally, before and after photos of your tongue will be taken to chart progressive changes. You’ll also receive guidance on preparing yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually for the cleanse.
What Is Included?
Your custom cleanse kit includes six Ayurvedic herbal formulations specifically suited to you and is delivered right to your door. You’ll receive:
Specific Detox Formulation (Customized according to your needs)
Alkalizing Formulation (Created to support healthier blood chemistry)
Organ Cleansing Formulation (Specific for which body organ needs detoxification)
Bodily System Support (Customized for one specific body system)
Cellular Protection Formulation (Created for core cleansing)
Alpha-Omega Formulation (General all-body support)
In addition to these top-tier Ayurvedic formulations, we provide:
A written program that breaks down your custom Ayurvedic cleanse step-by-step
Food as Medicine Dietary Suggestions
Purification Practices booklet
Email or phone support on the primary cleanse days (about 15 minutes)
A post-cleanse consultation to assess your results (30 minutes)
Traditional Ayurvedic cleansing involves three phases: pre-cleanse preparation, detox, and post-cleanse re-entry and rejuvenation.
Workshop Information (click the tabs below)
Vata Late Fall / Early Winter Cleanse
Custom Program + Cleanse Support $500
Herbalized Formulations - $250 + S/H
The shift from summer to fall can give us energetic whiplash. While fiery Pitta builds up in warmer months, breezy autumn makes the winds of Vata rise.
As Vata increases, you may become anxious, constipated, and scattered after feeling great all summer.
Ease into cooler months, support the digestive fire, and bolster your immune system against winter illness with a custom fall cleanse.
Kapha Late Winter / Early Spring Cleanse
Custom Program + Cleanse Support $500
Herbalized Formulations - $250 + S/H
Spring is a time of transformation – winter’s accumulated Kapha begins to melt, Vata’s movement stirs with gusty spring winds, and warming days arouse fiery Pitta.
Without extra effort to stay balanced, we start feeling gunked up, lethargic, foggy – and simply, humdrum.
Give your mind and body a fresh start with a custom winter cleanse as the world shifts dramatically around you.
Pitta Late Spring / Summer Cleanse
Custom Program + Cleanse Support $500
Herbalized Formulations - $250 + S/H
Summer can flare up fiery Pitta throughout our entire being. As temperatures rise and life gets busier and more intense, we tend to burn up and burn out.
When Pitta increases, you’ll feel it. Inflammation, irritation, and aggravation rule the roost.
Your summer cleanse kit will help you beat the heat – wherever you live – so you can feel your best.
Registration Details
Meet your instructors
Shantree Kacera
Shantree Kacera, R.H., D.N., Ph.D., an international author and teacher, co-directs The Living Centre Eco-Spiritual Education Sanctuary since 1983. With a doctorate in Nutritional Medicine and Herbalism, Shantree pioneers integrative approaches to Ayurvedic Medicine, Living Nutrition, and Herbalism. Recognized as a Canadian Herbalist, he dispenses his herbal preparations, "HerbSpirit Botanicals," and counsels clients worldwide, promoting preventative well-being.
For 47-years, he has passionately served as a practitioner and curator, leading countless individuals on their journey toward a healthier lifestyle through fasting and detoxing. His extensive experience and unwavering dedication make him the perfect guide to help you achieve your health goals.