Lorenna Kacera Lorenna Kacera

The Sevenfold Path of Peace ~ Contemplations

"In the quiet spaces of contemplation, the Sevenfold Path of Peace unfolds like a sacred scroll, inviting us to delve into the depths of our being. Each contemplation is a journey, a pilgrimage into the soul's sanctuary, where the echoes of ancient wisdom resonate with the rhythm of our hearts. As we traverse the pathways of compassion, forgiveness, and understanding, we glimpse the interconnectedness of all existence. In the stillness of reflection, we find solace and insight, weaving the threads of peace into the fabric of our lives. May our contemplations be lanterns in the darkness, guiding us towards the luminous shores of harmony and serenity."

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Lorenna Kacera Lorenna Kacera

The Essenes: An Ancient Permaculture People

"The Essenes, stewards of the land, sowed seeds of harmony and abundance in their ancient permaculture practices, nurturing both earth and spirit in the eternal dance of regeneration."

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