Why Choose Veganic? From a Farmer’s or Gardener’s Perspective
There are a wide variety of reasons why farmers choose veganic techniques, including ethical and environmental considerations, consumer demand, and the availability of fertilizers. Many of these reasons will also apply to gardeners.
Protecting animals
For farmers and gardeners who are interested in animal protection, veganic growing is a perfect way to combine your ethics with your agriculture, since this system of growing food does not use any pesticides or animal products. continue>
A higher Level of self-sufficiency
By reducing inputs and producing your own sources of fertility, it’s possible to live more self-sufficiently from your own land. continue>
Save time and land
Compared to farms that produce their own fertilizer by using animals, maintaining fertility through plant-based techniques can save time and increase the amount of usable land. continue>
A lower ecological footprint
Veganic agriculture encourages techniques that are environmentally sustainable, and that reduce CO2 emissions. continue>
Improving soil life and fertility
By adding organic plant-based materials to the soil, the microorganisms within the soil can flourish, and enhance the soil structure and fertility of your land. continue>
Respond to a new consumer market
For farmers, growing veganically responds to an emerging market of consumers who desire completely organic, plant-based produce. continue>
Biodiversity and environmental conservation
Veganic standards encourage the biodiversity of free-living animals and native plant species and the environmental conservation of the farmer’s holding. continue>
100% organic, from start to finish
Animal-based fertilizers, like manure and blood meal, often come from animals that were not raised organically. They may have been exposed to chemicals, GMO feed, hormones, and antibiotics. Veganic growers can maintain fertility on their own holding using completely organic plant-based techniques, ensuring that the entire cycle of agriculture is 100% organic. continue