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WomanEarth: The Womb of Knowing
Our bellies and wombs are the space where women gestate possibility and give birth to newness; be that a child, an idea, a project or a cultural shift. Ancient traditions from Africa to Buddhism speak of reality being birthed from the primordial womb of the Universe, the womb of the Earth and the Divine sacred feminine.
March 2 & 3, 2024
Women’s innate knowing is deeply rooted in our connection with a living, caring Earth. Separation from nature, stress, and toxic cultural norms cause contraction in our bodies and blocks the natural flow of intuitive wisdom always available from the Earth, through our bodies.
With every aspect of the sacred feminine under siege, Mother Earth is waiting for us to open the inner space of our beings, so our dreams and Her’s can interweave into life-giving creativity that supports the regeneration of our lives and the planet. Communion with Earth’s energies develops a sensitivity that allows us to walk through life in a way that is true to our souls.
In this workshop, you learn three simple yet transformational processes to open your womb of knowing, and reconnect with the voice of the Earth alive in you. Once embodied, you can take them home and integrate these processes into your daily self-love and creative practices.
Processes Include:
Intestinal Massage – Our organs receive physical and energetic matter from our environment, digesting, absorbing and eliminating energy to perpetuate our aliveness. During these times of environmental toxicity, social disharmony and individual distress, our organs become tight, congested and imbalanced. Beyond the increased risk for illness, our faculties of discernment, decisiveness, willpower, creativity, compassion and courage are weakened. By massaging our belly, we release tensions and blockages, allowing the healing energies of our body to flow freely. These energies are sourced from the Earth, of which we are constituted. Opening up our womb space, we become a fluid, lush and fertile space for dreaming in the new.
The Taiji breathIntestinal Massage -Our organs continuously receive physical and energetic substances from our environment, processing, absorbing, and eliminating them to sustain our vitality. In times marked by environmental toxicity, social disharmony, and personal distress, our organs tend to tighten, become congested, and lose balance. This imbalance not only increases the risk of illness but also weakens our faculties of discernment, decisiveness, willpower, creativity, compassion, and courage. Through belly massage, we release these tensions, allowing the body’s healing energies to flow freely. Opening our womb space, we create a fluid, fertile environment for envisioning new possibilities.
Primordial Movement is an Earth-centred movement process that emulates the fluid forces within your body through Air (Breath), Fire (Blood), Water (Lymph), Earth (Cells) and Ether (Space). Cultivating the fluidity of our spine, muscles,, and limbs softens our accumulated tensions, creating spaciousness in our physical form for easeful and joyful healing. Integrating this movement process with the belly massage and Tai-ji Breath quickens the process and enhances coherence between body, mind, emotions, spirit and Earth.
Facilitators: Lorenna Bousquet Kacera & Danielle Denichaud
Dates: March 2 & 3, 2024 — Saturday & Sunday, 9:30 am to 5 pm
Price: $300 plus HST
$250 Reduced Rate
$350 Sponsor Rate
Where: The Living Centre, London, ON.
Includes a light lunch on Sunday, snacks and herbal teas. Please bring your own vegan lunch for Saturday.
Dress comfortably, bring a journal and water bottle.
Please read our Commitment & Cancellation Policy.
Meet your instructors
Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera, is an Earth ceremonialist and Métis grandmother of Lakota and French descent. Her heritage and spiritual insights have shaped her life and path of service. For 35 years, she has tended, embodied and stewarded the inter-arts languages she calls Shamanu: Earth-Wisdom Teachings (est 1989) and WomanEarth (est 2005), which is a branch of the Shamanu Teaching.
is co-director and founder with her beloved husband of The Living Centre.
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Danielle Denichaud is a daughter of the Earth and a student of eco-spirituality. She has pursued professional training in Holistic Nutrition, Ashtanga and Kundalini Yoga, Compassionate Inquiry, Trauma-honouring Somatic Processes and Medical Qi-Gong. Danielle is a pedagogical steward at The Living Centre: Eco-Spiritual Education Sanctuary and a PhD Candidate at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Her work and research center on our subjective mind-body-heart-spirit embodiments as the salient terrain to cultivate resilient languages of earth stewardship, individual wellness and relational harmony. info@lightonhealth.ca