Lorenna Bousquet-Kacera, is an Earth ceremonialist and Métis grandmother of Lakota and French descent. Her heritage and spiritual insights have shaped her life and path of service.  For 35 years, she has tended, embodied and stewarded the inter-arts languages she calls Shamanu: Earth-Wisdom Teachings (est 1989) and WomanEarth (est 2005), a branch of the Shamanu Teaching. Lorenna is a Certified Permaculture Educator, Work That Reconnects Educator, Ayurvedic Living Nutrition and Sevenfold Path of Peace instructor, offering private Eco-spiritual Lifestyle counselling.

Shamanu weaves Eco-philosophy, Cosmogenesis, Earth poetry, and Eco-somatic Embodiment practices, which include - Primordial Movement and sound, Elemental dance and breath processes, Sacred theatre and Earth-centred Rituals to awaken in us the spiritual force that enlivens the natural world and oneself.  

This revelatory teaching invites you to create a personal practice that seamlessly melds health with nature connection and spiritual insight. It was through an existential healing crisis in her forties that these unique teachings emerged. 

As co-director with her Earth-loving husband of The Living Centre, a beautiful 50-acre eco-spiritual education sanctuary, Lorenna was given the great gift of immersing myself in nature’s classroom for decades. Reuniting with inherent wisdom through embodied processes that emulate nature’s expressions has brought her home to the enduring power of Earth’s love.   

Initiated by the land and the five Sacred Elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Ether/Spirit, Lorenna has been guided to a felt-knowing that we are the Eco-Cosmos in human form with their wisdom, power and creativity alive in our bodies and always available if we listen.  

Through the somatic languages, she has unravelled cultural indoctrinations, continued the healing of childhood and intergenerational trauma, and, most importantly, remembered her original instructions.  

All of Lorenna’s offerings are an invitation to revitalize heart-knowing and be part of birthing a new culture in which humans live in mutually enhancing relationships with the living Earth and each other. By embracing the creative powers around and within us, we reclaim the ecstatic path that is key to this pivotal evolutionary moment.

Lorenna’s deep gratitude goes to those teachers and mentors who opened inner, Cosmic and Earth awareness. They include - Emily Conrad and Susan Harper (Continuum), Gabrielle Roth (The Five Sacred Rhythms), eco-philosophers John Seed and Joanna Macy (The Work that Reconnects), Star Hawk (Permaculture)& Dave Jackie (Permaculture), Deeptime mentors Brian Swimme, Thomas Berry, Stephan Martin and Jennifer Morgan, (The Universe Story), Don Augustin Shamanic Journeys, Martin Exeter 13 years of in-depth spiritual education and energy healing, my cherished son, Gabriel and grandson, Jayden, and of course, my sacred partner Shantree who opened my heart and hands to the power of love and the world of plants, soil and my beloved gardens.