Why Regenerative Organic?

Cultivating Life, Nourishing Earth

Shantree Kacera, R.H., D.N., Ph.D.

“An affirmation to the symbiotic relationship between humanity and nature, where each action nurtures life and restores harmony to our planet.”

Regenerative organic goes beyond traditional organic farming practices to actively regenerate and restore the health of the soil, the ecosystem, and the community. It's a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of all living things and seeks to enhance the well-being of the entire system.

At its core, regenerative organic farming focuses on building healthy, living soils teeming with beneficial microorganisms, fungi, and organic matter. By employing techniques such as cover cropping, crop rotation, composting, and minimal tillage, regenerative farmers improve soil fertility and structure and sequester carbon from the atmosphere, mitigating climate change in the process.

But regenerative organic isn't just about what happens in the field—it's also about fostering a sense of stewardship and respect for the land and the people who work it. This means prioritizing fair labour practices, community engagement, and economic resilience, ensuring everyone involved in the production process benefits equitably.

Ultimately, regenerative organic is about creating a regenerative cycle of abundance, where each action taken on the farm contributes to the health and vitality of the entire ecosystem. It's a vision of agriculture that not only sustains but actively improves the land for future generations, leaving behind a legacy of health, abundance, and resilience.

Why is “Certified Regenerative Organic” Important?

By purchasing from independent organic growers, the soil is grateful, the grower is happy, and the children are safe. Everybody wins.

Get a better flavour

There is a good reason why many chefs use regenerative organic food in their recipes – IT TASTES BETTER! Regenerative rganic growing starts with the nourishment of the soil, which leads to the plant's nourishment and, ultimately, our palates.

Protect your children

The average child is exposed to four times as many cancer-causing pesticides in their daily lives compared to an adult. Regenerative organic food contains no carcinogenic pesticides.

Prevent Soil Erosion

The Soil Conservation Society estimates that more than three billion tons of topsoil are eroded from United States farmlands each year, and the soil is eroding seven times faster than it is being built up naturally. In organic farming, the soil is the foundation of the food chain as opposed to conventional growing, where the soil is merely used as a porous medium periodically saturated with unnatural chemical fertilizers and controlled with even deadlier pesticides, herbicides and fungicides.

Protect Water Quality

Water makes up two-thirds of the planet’s mass. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates pesticides pollute the primary aquifer in 38 states.

Save Energy

Conventional farming methods have drastically changed in this century, from small family farms to large-scale factory-style farms, which are dependent upon fossil fuels. Typical modern farming uses more petroleum than any other single industry.

Keep chemicals off your plate

The FDA approved many pesticides before research linked them to chemicals that cause cancer and other diseases.   Now, the EPA considers 60% of all herbicides, 90% of all fungicides, and 30% of all insecticides carcinogenic.  The bottom line is that pesticides are poisons made to kill living creatures and can also be harmful to humans.

Protect farm workers’ health

A National Cancer Institute study showed that farmers exposed to chemical herbicides had a six times greater risk of contracting cancer than farmers who were not. The health of farmworkers in developing countries is a serious issue, as pesticide use is poorly regulated. An estimated 1 million people are poisoned annually by pesticides, and in developing countries, 25 million farm workers suffer acute pesticide poisoning every year.

Help small growers

Most regerative organic growers are independently owned and operated family farms.  The United States is estimated to have lost over 650,000 family farms in the past decade.

Support a true economy

Regenerative organic foods might seem more expensive than conventional foods. However, conventional food prices do not reflect hidden costs borne by the taxpayer in the form of subsidies. Other hidden costs include pesticide regulation and testing, hazardous waste disposal, and environmental damage.

Promote biodiversity

“Mono-cropping” is planting large plots of land with the same crop year after year; conventional farming uses this method exclusively.  The lack of natural diversity of plant life has left the soil lacking in natural nutrients and minerals.  Chemical fertilizers are often used to replace these lost nutrients necessary to farm. Single crops are also much more susceptible to pests, making farmers even more reliant on pesticides.

Organic growing encourages food production that nurtures our soil through the absence of pesticides and the presence of rich compost.  The inherent commitment of organic farming to crop rotation, living soil, companion planting, rural enterprise, pure water and sustainable agriculture is a critical step toward protecting our environment and our individual health.  By buying organic, you provide a marketplace for growers who have made the future of our planet a top priority.


Why Organic? A definition of “organic”


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