The Greening – Viriditas

Shantree Kacera, R., D.N., Ph.D.

"Viriditas" refers to the natural world's lush vitality and life-giving force, particularly plants. It encompasses the idea of flourishing greenness but also carries a deeper spiritual connotation, representing the divine presence and creative energy that permeates all living things.

In her profound insights, the medieval herbalist and mystic Hildegard of Bingen delves into the concept of Viriditas, a potent force she describes as the "greening power." This essence represents more than mere verdant hues; it embodies existence's vitality and life force. Viriditas is the palpable manifestation of the Spirit of the Earth, the dynamic energy of Gaia in action, perpetually working to heal and uplift humanity.

Within the embrace of Viriditas lies a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between humanity and the natural world. Through this symbiotic relationship, plants' healing properties emerge as a tangible expression of Viriditas, offering abundant nourishment and transformative power to those who seek it. The lush greenery of the plant realm serves as a conduit for the greening of the human condition, imbuing it with vitality, resilience, and spiritual renewal.

Hildegard's teachings remind us that the healing energies of nature are not merely commodities to be exploited but sacred gifts to be cherished and respected. In embracing Viriditas, we align ourselves with the regenerative forces of the Earth, fostering a harmonious balance between body, mind, and spirit. Through this communion with the natural world, we unlock the potential for profound healing and transformation, nurturing the seeds of wellness and wholeness within ourselves and the world around us.

The wisdom of plants is reborn

Every dawn brings forth a wondrous resurrection of plant wisdom as each tender green shoot emerges from the depths of the Earth, carrying within it the accumulated knowledge of millennia. Beyond their surface beauty and vibrant foliage lies a profound consciousness, an ancient wisdom that pulses through the very essence of their being. It is a universal spirituality, transcending individual forms and species, where vitality serves as a conduit for expressing this divine intelligence.

While our initial encounter with plants may be through the senses - their colours, fragrances, and textures captivating our attention - a deeper, more profound connection exists that transcends mere perception. The cosmic essence of plants permeates our consciousness, stirring something ineffable within our minds and hearts. In this mystical dance of existence, we find ourselves intricately woven into the fabric of their being, united in a sacred communion of life and awareness.

Though often concealed, this timeless wisdom has always been accessible to those with an inquisitive spirit. Ancient civilizations understood this intimate bond and lived in harmony with the teachings of the plant kingdom. Through reverence and curiosity, they unlocked the secrets of every leaf, stem, and blossom, integrating this profound knowledge into their daily lives and rituals. Today, as we rediscover the interconnectedness of all living things, we are invited to reawaken our curiosity and embrace the wisdom that has been patiently waiting to guide us on our journey of growth and enlightenment.

Living plants bridge the netherworld between life and death

In our exploration of herbs, we uncover a profound symbiosis between these green wonders and our own human nature, a relationship that transcends mere physicality. Within the realm of healing greenery exists a subtle awareness, a silent communion that resonates with the depths of our being. These plants, imbued with passive yet profound contemplation, exhibit a devout acquiescence to the rhythms of existence, spreading their leaves and absorbing the vital elixir of life directly from the cosmic source.

As human beings, we partake in this cosmic dance indirectly, harvesting herbs and plant foods that have already received the nourishing touch of the divine. Our plants and trees serve as conduits, maintaining an intimate connection with the primordial source of all physical and spiritual creation. They stand as a living testament to life's miraculous alchemy, weaving intricate forms from the elemental building blocks of earth, water, air, and the sun's radiant energy.

In their vibrant hues and life-sustaining presence, herbs, plants, and trees transcend the boundary between the material and the ethereal, bridging the gap between life and death. They are the artisans of existence, sculpting beauty and vitality from inorganic matter, breathing life into the world with every whisper of their leaves. As human creatures, we depend on the nourishment of living organic matter provided by the green world, sustaining our own existence through this sacred exchange.

Indeed, without the verdant tapestry of the plant kingdom, our very existence would be but a distant dream. Through their tireless efforts and unwavering presence, we find ourselves rooted in the rich soil of life, interconnected with all beings in a dance of cosmic harmony and eternal renewal.

Viriditas, the greening power, is a driving force behind changes touching humanity.

In herbalism's vast realm, there are many opportunities to immerse oneself in the profound essence of nature's healing bounties. Whether sipping on a comforting cup of mint tea, nurturing a garden teeming with life, or embarking on a leisurely stroll through a picturesque meadow, each experience offers a gateway to the transformative power of Viriditas. This greening force permeates the very fabric of existence.

Viriditas serves as a catalyst for profound change, a gentle yet potent reminder of our intrinsic connection to the natural world. It beckons us to rediscover our true essence, to embrace the sacredness of our surroundings, and to recognize the omnipresent embrace of the Earth that cradles us in its loving embrace. In the tapestry of life, the herbalist's path unfolds like the diverse ecosystem of a thriving forest, offering boundless avenues for exploration and discovery.

To awaken to the Greening Power is to tap into the vital force that pulsates within every cell of our being, forever guiding us on a journey of transformation and healing. It is an invitation to commune with the Earth's very essence, surrender to its wisdom, and allow its regenerative energies to flow freely through our bodies, minds, and spirits. As we embrace this innate connection, we embark on a sacred pilgrimage of self-discovery and renewal, forever enriched by the boundless gifts of the natural world.

To Awaken to the Greening Power,
the vital force, the Spirit of the Earth that lives in every cell of our body, forever transforming and healing you.

“May the Earth continue to Live,

May the Heavens above continue to Live,

May the rains continue to dampen the Land,

May the Forests continue to Grow.

“Then the Flowers shall bloom, and we people shall live again.”

– Old Hawaiian Prayer


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