Original Instructions: Rewild & Reconnect

Ancient Wisdom & Teachings for a Regenerative  Future

April 23, 2020, by Shantree

“Rewilding is not about abandoning civilization but about enhancing it. It is to 'love not humans less, but Nature more”.
”Of all the world's creatures, perhaps those in the greatest need of rewilding are our children.”

"Rewild & Reconnect" is a powerful call to action that urges us to return to our roots and rediscover our connection with nature. By "rewilding" our lives, we can break free from the constraints of modern society and embrace the wildness within us. And by "reconnecting" with the natural world, we can find a sense of purpose and meaning that is often lacking in our fast-paced, technology-driven lives. So, let's take a step back, breathe in the fresh air, and let the wildness of the world around us inspire us to live more fully and authentically.

Original instructions are the sacred geography of a world where all life is revered and animated by spirit. It shows how human beings can play a richly decisive role in the web of life. And as a keystone species that creates conditions conducive to growth for all beings.

For millennia, our ancient ancestors acted as guardians of the web of life for the next seven generations. They successfully managed complex reciprocal relationships between biological and cultural diversity. Awareness of earth knowledge and wisdom is reemerging at the eleventh hour to help avert global ecological and social collapse. Ancient cultural wisdom shows us how to live in peace–with the earth and one another.

Discover the transformative power of ancient wisdom and teachings for a regenerative future. By tapping into the guidance of our ancestors, we can unlock a wealth of knowledge and insight that can help us create a more vibrant, thriving world. Don't let the opportunity to connect with the wisdom of the past pass you by. Embrace the power of ancient teachings and unlock a brighter future for us all.

It seems apparent that the root cause of environmental degradation is humanity’s disconnect with the natural world as a sentient being and a sacred place—the voices of the past focus on re-imagining the world and restoring ourselves after the fragmentation of colonization. The first and essential step is to remember who we are and to experience the sacredness of all life as we have all been colonized.

We are discovering the ancient pathways of the original instructions, designed to help us live from the heart of humanity and reconnect with the wild. These timeless teachings remind us of our innate connection to nature and can guide us toward a more fulfilling and meaningful way of life. Embrace the wisdom of the ages and tap into your wild instincts – start exploring the original instructions today.

Rewilding offers a forward-thinking approach beyond simply protecting individual species or habitats. By restoring ecosystems to their natural state and reintroducing vital ecological processes, rewilding projects can potentially create regenerative landscapes that benefit people and wildlife in numerous ways.

It allows us to reculture ourselves and our society and a new life. Rewilding invites us to examine our cultural paradigms, see how they affect our physical, mental, and emotional health, and reclaim our birthright as human beings.

“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”
- Aldo Leopold

What is Rewilding?
Rewilding is the practice of returning land to its natural state to restore ecosystems that were previously threatened, damaged, or destroyed.

Rewilding is the process of undoing domestication, which means returning to a wilder or more natural state. Rewilding is considered a holistic approach to living, as opposed to specific or separate skills, practices or pieces of knowledge. Rewilding is the Return of Nature. It intends to create permanently wild human cultures beyond domestication.

Rewilding is gaining popularity as a powerful tool to restore lost biodiversity and rejuvenate the stunning natural beauty of our forests. It's exciting to see the positive impact this approach can have on our environment, and it gives us hope for a better future.

Rewilding is an innovative approach that allows rewilding to return land to its natural state, allowing threatened ecosystems to be restored and rebalanced. It involves allowing natural processes to shape both land and water, repair damaged ecosystems, and restore degraded landscapes. Rewilding creates wilder and more biodiverse habitats by enabling wildlife's natural rhythms to take over. Ultimately, this helps to promote the health and well-being of the environment and all the creatures that call it home.

We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us.
When we see land as a community we belong to, we may begin to use it with love and respect. “
~Aldo Leopold

What is Human Rewilding?
Rewilding is a term used to describe restoring our connection with nature. It's a way to return to our natural state and prioritize the resources we have relied on for over 250,000 years. By doing so, we can bring ourselves back home to ourselves.

Humans have proven to be highly adaptable and survive in this digital age. Our day-to-day lives have become so habitual and distraction-based that often, years go by without us stopping to take real-time for ourselves. The result is that we can become outwardly very productive. Still, inwardly, we may be suffering from various civilization-based issues, such as anxiety, chronic stress, or depression, along with the physical manifestations of that emotional distress.

Human rewilding is about reconnecting with nature—whether for 20 minutes during your lunch break, for a weekend or longer. Research has shown how spending time in nature reduces cortisol levels, lowers blood pressure, increases subjective reports of being in a good mood and feeling relaxed, and enhances our immune system. These are some benefits of taking time out from the modern world.

Rewilding Yourself – Reconnect
Restoring ourselves to our natural rhythms and reconnecting with the wild nature is vital for maintaining balance and well-being. In today's fast-paced world, many people find themselves disconnected from the natural world, leading to stress, disorientation, and even a sense of emptiness.

14-Steps to Rewild Yourself
These suggestions offer valuable insights into how individuals can incorporate natural elements into their lives and embrace a more holistic approach to well-being. Let's break down some of the key points:

  1. Spending Time Outdoors: Immersing oneself in nature regularly is essential for resetting internal rhythms and reducing stress.

  2. Practicing Mindfulness: Engaging fully with the natural environment through mindfulness helps deepen the connection to nature and fosters gratitude and wonder.

  3. Cultivating Awareness: Learning about local flora and fauna enhances appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things.

  4. Engaging in Outdoor Activities: Activities like gardening, birdwatching, and camping provide physical exercise and adventure opportunities.

  5. Unplugging from Technology: Disconnecting from screens makes individuals more present and attuned to natural rhythms.

  6. Practicing Eco-Friendly Habits: Taking steps to reduce environmental impact supports conservation efforts and the preservation of wild spaces.

  7. Seeking Solitude and Silence: Spending time alone in nature facilitates reflection, meditation, and inner transformation.

  8. Maintaining Natural Light Cycles: Exposure to natural light cycles helps regulate circadian rhythms, improve sleep, and enhance overall health.

  9. Intermittent Fasting: Mimicking the fasting patterns of our ancestors can promote metabolic health and longevity.

  10. Walking Barefoot: Grounding oneself barefoot connects individuals with nature and promotes stress reduction and immune function.

  11. Incorporating Natural Movements: Engaging in various physical movements mimics our ancestors' diverse activities and promotes overall fitness.

  12. Cold Exposure: Embracing periodic exposure to cold can have numerous health benefits and strengthens the body's response to stress.

  13. Foraging Wild Foods: Exploring wild foods connects individuals with nature's abundance and provides nutrient-dense options for nourishment.

  14. Born To Be Wild:
    To live in the spirit of adventure, freedom, and connection to nature. It embodies the idea that humans have an innate desire to explore and interact with the natural world, much like many other species that live in their natural lives.

Wild Foods is a food group and is our link to deep-seated wisdom and connection with nature. Wild foods such as herbs, roots, bark, mushrooms, berries, seaweed and seeds provided our ancestors with much of their crucial nourishment. Learning what local edibles are available to you, depending on the time of year and where you live, is the perfect way to feel better connected with your natural environment. Great wild staples such as dandelion, nettle, cleaver, and clover are easy to identify and grow in abundance. These potent, nutrient-dense, free foods can help us thrive in the modern world. Use them fresh in salads, experiment with adding them to your green smoothies instead of spinach and kale, and for even more medicinal benefits, make herbal infusions using dried roots, leaves and berries.

By embracing these practices, individuals can reconnect with their natural environment, foster a deeper appreciation for the world, and promote personal and ecological well-being.

“Now I see the secret of making the best person: It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth.”
- Walt Whitman

“Look deeper into nature, and you will understand everything better.”
- Albert Einstein

Through the process of domestication, human wildness has been altered by force. Rewilding encourages the conscious undoing of human domestication and returning to the lifeways of hunter-gatherer cultures.

By taking inspiration from natural processes and working collaboratively with human societies and wild nature, rewilding offers a promising framework for creating a more regenerative and harmonious relationship between people and the environment.

Rewild Your Life – Take a 7-Day Challenge


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