Nutritional Herbalism:
Traditional Foods & Wild Plant Cuisine
(Online 3-Month Course)
June 3 – Sept 9, 2024
“Globalized industrialized food is not cheap: it is too costly for the Earth, for the farmers, for our health. The Earth can no longer carry the burden of groundwater mining, pesticide pollution, species disappearance and climate destabilization. Farmers can no longer carry the burden of debt, which is inevitable in industrial farming with its high costs of production. It is incapable of producing safe, culturally appropriate, tasty, quality food. And it is incapable of producing enough food for all because it wastes land, water and energy. Industrial agriculture uses ten times more energy than it produces. It is thus ten times less efficient.”
~Vandana Shiva
Wild nutritional herbalism is the oldest form of healing on the planet. This medicine originates before the science of modern-day nutritional chemistry. This course will help you understand plant science. Learn how to apply plants to create healthy culinary arts for yourself, your family, and your friends.
Plant nutrition is also a science of bringing awareness to our actions: how and what we tend to our food, spices and herbal teas, how we eat them, how we live, what we think, and how we relate intimately with the plant world and ourselves.
Practically, we will explore the influence of the vital energies of foods, spices, and herbs on our well-being. Nutritional medicine is a compassionate journey of self-discovery. It provides you with the tools to become your healer. Every plant we take into our bodies influences who we are and what we will evolve.
Wild Nutrition: A Bioenergetic Perspective of Wild Plants
Modern medicine looks at nutrition solely in terms of its physical and chemical composition. However, bioenergetic nutrition takes a broader perspective. It recognizes that food and the energetic and informational aspects, too. We must get the correct biochemical elements from our food and vital energy.
Learn about the traditional plant foods of indigenous peoples of this bioregion. Discover the nutritional value of wild edibles and the plant’s mineral composition.
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”
~Dr. Vandana Shiva
The Leadership Pathway
We are looking for enthusiastic agents of change who are ready to co-design new approaches. Creating a way we live, that is socially just and ecologically regenerative. Are you prepared to take risks and stand on the cutting edge of a new practice in this area?
I intend to work with inspired and self-motivated individuals. To move their herbal and ecological education beyond bookwork into an experience. To build a long-term and deep relationship with wild edible plants.
For 45-years, Shantree has been weaving and sharing his passion for practical herbalism and plant medicine. They are synthesizing experience and ancient herbal wisdom to support you. A hands-on, pragmatic plant journey. An integrative system of philosophies, personal transformation strategies, and primordial indigenous understanding. The long-term results develop and deepen into the powers of plant medicine.
The wild and native plants are your guides. You will see through eyes of connection and oneness—living rooted in the cycles and laws of the natural world and, finally, yielding a strategy for crafting positive cultures of inter-relationship.
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
This course is an excellent adjunct to any self-directed studies. A compliment to those trained in or interested in wholistic ecological nutrition, herbalism, forest gardening or permaculture experience. Throughout this season, we will work together to accelerate growth in your studies. It offers simple yet effective processes, systems, and structures. Practices that you can utilize in resolving personal and ecological challenges.
An action-learning course that is process-oriented. The focus is on designing and implementing real-life projects. It engages students in ecological design fundamentals through real-life situations. The ‘action learning’ methodology allows students to learn professional design skills. To achieve a balance of inner and outer regeneration. Each participant will research and document their project of choice. This is enhanced by maintaining regular one-on-one sessions.
The objective is that all participants take action in their communities. Envision is the catalyst that brings positive change to your family and community. A herbal practice that not only heals and nourishes. But awakens in others the joy and empowerment that comes as we remember our deeply rooted connection with the plants of our bio-region.
The Process
“True education does not consist merely in the acquiring of a few facts of science, history, literature, or art, but in the development of character.” ~David O. McKay
Upon completing this mentorship and the Nutritional Herbalism correspondence course, you will receive a Nutritional Herbalism Certificate.
Why a Herbal Leadership Approach
The leadership process weaves deep plant connection, nature immersion, deep ecology, systems thinking and ecological principles—an in-depth study of medicinal plants, foraging skills, medicine-making and case studies.
This program is designed as a modular spiral. Each session deepens with new content and plant experiences. Learning together is enhanced by being in the natural world. The learning and support continue through the seasons through various small group tutoring sessions and buddy check-in configurations. You are applying educational materials and one-on-one sessions with Shantree. The progression of moving between the 3-day weekends. Integration and using the content you have learned to make the curriculum come alive. Discover a new way of being, living, and engaging the world.
We request that participants attend ALL of the sessions. Unison is fundamental to building harmony and trust for our collective experience and deepening our journey. You can expect to spend approximately 10 to 20 hours between each training outside of the weekend training. Peer coaching and engaging in the program projects deepen your study time. The research programs are designed to be incorporated into and empower your life and work. Please consider your capacity to participate fully before applying to the program.
The Incredible Edibles: Foraging & Feasting Adventure Workshop
(Optional Extra)
June 7 – 9, 2024
9 - 5 pm.
In an in-depth journey of the many facets, values and uses of healthy wild and native edible plants and trees of our ecological landscape, discover nature’s essential permaculture plants of our bioregion. This practical experience of Carolinian Canada’s edible plants will cover where to find them, when and how to forage ethically, and ways to prepare them deliciously.
A hands-on workshop to deepen your understanding of your local environment. A way back and get in touch with the local wild foods. By studying foraging and nature, we enjoy our renewable resources and reaffirm our commitment to preserving and rebuilding our ecological riches.
Since ancient times, humans have recognized that eating the wild is a primary means of travelling the green earth path. Plants have long been primary teachers for those who travel deep into the world’s heart and seek the soul teaching that only the wild can bring. This training is about eating the wild and the journey that that process begins.
Recreate, Reconnect & Recollect Forgotten Food Traditions
An Essential Guide from Dirt to Plate
Plant Identification Using the Six Tastes
The Nutrition of Wild Edibles
Timing the Plant Harvest
Recipes for Living Deep
Radical Nourishment
Fermented Condiments & Cultured Foods
“One is tempted to say that most human plants, after all, are the weeds.”
~John Burrou
Module I
Wild Weeds & Living Foods:
June 3 – 24, 2024
Monday 4-Evenings
7 – 9 pm.
“Wild Weeds & Living Foods” is a phrase that encapsulates a culinary philosophy rooted in natural, whole ingredients. The term “wild weeds” refers to the use of wild plants and herbs, which are often more nutrient-dense than their cultivated counterparts. These wild plants have evolved to thrive in their natural environments, which can result in higher levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Incorporating wild plants and herbs into your diet is a simple way to increase your intake of these beneficial nutrients.
Living foods” refers to the practice of consuming raw, unprocessed foods that are rich in enzymes. Enzymes are essential for proper digestion and nutrient absorption but are often destroyed during cooking. You can improve your digestive health and overall well-being by consuming more living foods, such as raw fruits and vegetables, sprouted grains, and fermented foods.
Together, the concepts of “wild weeds” and “living foods” form the foundation of a wholistic approach to cooking that prioritizes health and sustainability. You can nourish your body by choosing natural, whole ingredients while minimizing your environmental impact. So why not try incorporating more “Wild Weeds & Living Foods” into your diet and experience the benefits for yourself?
Week 1
Goin’ Wild for Wild Living Foods
Understanding Our Wild Weeds
Core Fundamental Principles
Free Food – Free Medicine
Week 2
Reprogram Your Relationship with Food
Power of Live-Foods
Living Foods Kitchen
Growing Your Own Enzymes
Week 3
The Intelligence of Connection
Enzymes in the Raw & Wild
Increasing Enzymatic Action
Foods which Activate Enzymatic Action
Week 4
Enhancing the Wild & Living Foods Lifestyle
Mastery of Wild Living Foods
Wisdom of the Microbiome & Vital Energy
Wild Living-Food Recipes
Living-Foods Recipes on the Wild Side
Wild Living Foods e-Manual
Wild Edible Guide PDF
Raw Foods Bible – Craig Sommers, Naturopath – Manual
Module II
Resilient Cuisine:
Herbivore Meets Locavore
July 8 – 29, 2024
Monday 4-Evenings
7 – 9 pm.
Eating for the Earth
Voltaire said that the best (or the perfect) is the enemy of the good. And when it comes to diet, there is a definite risk that setting perfection standards will paralyze us into inaction. It’s not great to let a few good choices make us so complacent that we don’t seek to do more on the flip side.
Not exclusive to herbivores, anyone who wants to incorporate more local, plant-based foods into their dietary choices. This training includes plant walks and shifting from surviving to thriving and feeling fully alive.
Learn how to integrate and create delicious recipes from local, wild and native plants. You can easily make these creations at home. This will reduce the environmental impact, improve health, and save money. Special attention will be given to essential nutrients from local, plant-based sources.
This course addresses food choices and regeneration and is designed to help those committed to making a healthy lifestyle change for the Earth and our bodies. It is about listening to the lightness of your inner being and not having rigid rules.
The power of what we eat – we need to look beyond the biological nutrients of nutrition. It is the food of Consciousness itself. Ultimately, everyone interested in living a vibrant and radiant life must find food that elevates their Consciousness. This finally supports your highest understanding – that food is Consciousness. We have the most potent diet when nourishing ourselves with live food. This helps maintain health and well-being, activating the life force available on the Earth. This means that we must live our lives in a manner that continually immerses us in the food of Consciousness.
“The key to a conscious life is to create a diet that turns you inward towards yourself.”
Some of the possible topics included in this are:
Developing an Optimal Diet for Conscious Living
Nutrients: The Many and the One
Protein Power from Plants
Food Effects on Body, Mind and Spirit
The Whole Story about Carbohydrates
Enzymes: A Secret of Health and Longevity
Minding Your Minerals
Assimilating Vital Vitamins
Live-Food Nutrition: The Gift of Nature
The Wild and Beautiful
Module III
Wildculturing: The Art of Crafting Live-Cultured Foods
Aug 12 – Sept 9, 2024
Monday Evenings
7 - 9:30 pm
“Wildculturing works with increasing the fecundity and perennial abundance of the inner and outer terrain. Wildculturing is a toolbox packed with traditional techniques and practices from simple ways to increase the quality of microorganisms in an inner microbiome or a microclimate. It brings back wholeness of the combined genetic material of the microorganisms in a particular environment.”
Wildcultuing begins with the wild and native edible plants of fields and forests. The next step is bringing them into our kitchens to start the culturing process. Discover the wonders of the gut microbiome—a vital role in health and how we can better support it. Learn the ancient food-preserving process that is bacterial fermentation. Learn how it works and why these foods and drinks matter so much to health. You can taste a selection of delicious, nourishing, mature fermented vegetable samples and herbal beverages through the learning process. Together, we inspire you to eat and drink with gut health in mind.
Fermentation makes foods more nutritious as well as delicious. Microscopic organisms – transform food and extend its usefulness. Fermentation is found throughout human cultures. Hundreds of medical and scientific studies confirm what folklore has always known: Fermented foods help people stay healthy.
We will discuss some of your favourite foods and drinks, including fermented ones. Our focus will be on types of fermentation incorporating local wild weeds of the season.
Creating Wild Ferment Recipes
Seasonal Foraging Charts & Handouts
Wildculturing: The Art of Crafting Live-Cultured Foods e-Manual
“To ferment your food is to lodge a small but eloquent protest – on behalf of the senses and the microbes – against the homogenization of flavours and food experiences now rolling like a great, undifferentiated lawn across the globe. It is also a declaration of independence from an economy that would much prefer we remain passive consumers of its standardized commodities rather than creators of idiosyncratic products expressive of ourselves and of the places where we live because your pale ale or sourdough bread or kimchi is going to taste nothing like mine or anyone else’s.” - Michael Pollan
“Resistance takes place on many planes. Occasionally, it can be dramatic and public, but most of the decisions we face are mundane and private. What to eat is a choice we make several times a day if we are lucky. The cumulative choices we make about food have profound implications. Food offers us many opportunities to resist the culture of mass marketing and commodification. Though consumer action can take many creative and powerful forms, we do not have to be reduced to consumers’ role in selecting seductive convenience items. We can merge appetite with activism and choose to involve ourselves in food as co-creators.”
- Sandor Ellix Katz, Wild Fermentation: The Flavour, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Cultured Foods
Celebrating & Sharing Our Passion: Going Forth
Date to Be Confirmed, 2024
Our final session prepares us to bring what we have learned into our lives and communities. This session focuses on supporting you in clarifying, shaping, energizing and fulfilling your vision. We’ll explore how our unique service can help craft positive cultures of connection in an increasingly chaotic and unstable world—identifying essential inner and outer resources. Experience the creation of a supportive community. Following the herbal guidelines will allow us to confidently anchor and nurture the service passion you bring to the world. This final weekend is your opportunity to share your love and express your creativity with our extended community.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
~Howard Thurman
3 Modules 12 Engaging Training Evenings
All Ethical Foraging Herb Walks (Optional)
Integrative Home-Study Research Projects
3-One-on-One Hour Sessions (spaced out between each training)
Handouts and hands-on mentoring experience
Nutritional Herbalism: The Incredible Edibles manual
Wildculturing: The Art of Crafting Live-Cultured Foods e-Manual
It includes numerous herbal articles, wild edible plant nutrition charts and reference material.
Recommended herbal textbooks; please see the Nutritional Herbalism Long-Distance Course.
What You Will Experience?
“Tell me, and I forget, teach me, and I may remember, involve me, and I learn.” ~Benjamin Franklin
A beautiful weave of modern science and trans-disciplinary knowledge is essential to becoming an herbal educator—a wide range of hands-on experience in the meadows, fields, forests and herbal apothecary.
You will come out of this program with a unique ‘Medicine Pouch,’ a compendium of specific skills. Ancient practices and approaches to improve your well-being and effectiveness as an herbal educator. Topics include visioning, project development and stewardship, and the aptitude to design programs. An exploratory journey into the various aspects of inner leadership. Through cultivating gratitude, balance and ‘inner resilience. Deep-rooted exercises to ground your leadership in the heart, in nature, and in partnership with a community of other leaders.
You will come out of this program with a unique ‘Medicine Pouch,’ a compendium of specific skills. Ancient practices and approaches to improve your well-being and effectiveness as an herbal educator. Topics include visioning, project development and stewardship, and the aptitude to design programs. An exploratory journey into the various aspects of inner leadership. Through cultivating gratitude, balance and ‘inner resilience. Deep-rooted exercises to ground your leadership in the heart, in nature, and in partnership with a community of other leaders.
Through this herbal regeneration design program, you will learn a new way of thinking and being. You will experience what is naturally yours. A truly intimate relationship with the wild and native plants. To source your leadership from this core connection and stay attuned to the patterns in your own life. You are empowered by creating a new level of success and awareness in your stepping forth!
You will explore the correlation between ecological design thinking and the related disciplines of bioregionalism and ecology and their application to herbal design;
The foundation of an ecological worldview (deep ecology, systems thinking, Gaia theory) and the application of living systems principles to the design of systems, objects and places;
You will develop personal and group enquiry practices to raise awareness of the interdependent relationship between the individual, society and nature and between theory, experience and training;
You will develop and enhance your design, communication, and facilitation skills in support of communities of place and interest;
You will make use of a range of tools, methods and facilitation techniques to project delivery;
You will co-create participatory, hands-on practices and theoretical principles for new approaches to projects’ regenerative ecological design process and apply these in class and in your community projects. Learn how to assess the connection between the environment and built form, behaviour, well-being and resource consumption using research indicators and case studies.
“All the beauty that’s been lost before. Wants to find us again.”
An Herbal Leadership Approach
Much like a traditional apprenticeship, leadership is one of society’s oldest forms of experiential education. In many cultures, herbal training occurs almost exclusively in a setting where experienced herbalists work closely with others to share their accumulated wisdom. The structure of these relationships varies widely, but all have the desire to share information while offering support, guidance, and critical feedback in common.
Our leader process supports individuals in becoming confident, skilled herbal educators. Often, those who have completed extensive training in herbal medicine (which may or may not have included a clinical component) seek the support and guidance of an experienced herbalist to act as a mentor.
Community is an essential aspect of herbalism. Herbalism is all about relationships, after all – the relationships we have with each other and health and the relationships we have with plants. However, one of the unique relationships within herbalism is the relationship between herb mentors and students. Most herbalists eventually find some mentor – it’s a natural expression of how our herbal knowledge is passed along and is the traditional way that herbalism was passed from one generation to another.
The leader-student relationship is valuable and unique because it helps us orient ourselves. Who do we want to become? In what direction are we moving? Mentors are individuals we wish to emulate, people who have been where we are now and have gone ahead where we want to travel. Having a mentor also helps us by providing insight and perspective when the going gets tough. When we struggle with new questions or a new case study, and we can’t seem to find answers, or when it seems like we’ve lost our way on our path, a mentor can be there with encouragement, a new idea, or wisdom from a similar experience that helps us find the missing pieces of our puzzles.
The definition of the word is “an experienced and trusted advisor.” That’s a rather broad definition! Each guide-student relationship is unique since those two parts of the equation will always be two different individuals. It’s up to the parties involved to create the relationship in a way that makes sense for them.
In some cases, the leadership unfolds very informally, like a friendship. However, mentorships can also be very formal, even to the extent of the mentor being paid in exchange for their time and the mentoring experience being guided by a written contract that details specific goals and desired outcomes the student and guide have for the relationship.
Whether the prearrangement is formal or informal, a mentor is there to inspire and support the ongoing growth of the student and to provide assistance. They should be willing to help us troubleshoot, although it’s okay if they don’t just hand us the answers! Making us think and offering helpful suggestions when problems arise are the symbols of a truly great mentor. They understand our efforts and are there for us when we need encouragement. They can also help us be realistic and hold us to a standard, helping set the foundation for skills and a knowledge base that will serve us well in the future.
Most importantly, though, mentors can be role models. We should be careful not to put them on a pedestal – after all, our mentors are human, too – but at the same time, they should be people we think are worthy of imitating in some way. Our mentors are setting examples for us as teachers, consultants, and professionals.
It is important to remember that having a mentor is not a replacement for learning about herbs and herbalism on your own time – it should complement your studies. The point of being mentored is to assist you in growing on your path! Trustworthiness is essential; the relationship should always be directed by professionalism. The mentor-student relationship should always be mutually respectful.
“It is the supreme art of the educator to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.” ~Albert Einstein
“I love listening to your sharings and enthusiasm for the plants. I am soo wonder-filled hearing you talk about Permaculture, forest gardening, herbal plants and your land. Your articulation and wisdom are awe-inspiring. Much Thanks!” ~Natalie Krueger
“From start to finish, this herbalism and energetic medicine mentorship program has been amazing. It has opened my eyes to new paradigms and my heart to new possibilities. I feel like the 7-Day Living the Experience Intensive was vital in making a lasting community.” ~Stacey
“I loved it! It was a great mix of learning new material and gave me time and space to work independently. Small is beautiful! I loved the small group format. I had a great time. It was what I needed. I felt great each time I came and always left feeling inspired, motivated and strong.” ~Rita
“It was high-quality; the smaller and more advanced group, the more I took from the weekend. I enjoyed going very deep with tastes and case studies working from patterns to details to formulate formulas. The one-on-one guidance supported my growth in my ability to bring something concrete into the world. Thank you! So Excellent!” ~Simon
“Shantree has a vision and a special way of creating a garden that seems to match the spirit of the land. He brings touches to every corner, making the whole garden a joy to be in. Thank you for all that you have given me and for the beautiful work you are doing!” ~James
“I’ve learned so many valuable lessons. Shantree, you are so wise. You are such an honourable teacher. This has been a milestone along my path. For that, I am so thankful.” ~Maya
“Honestly, I loved your teaching style, clear and confident presentation of sometimes really in-depth material. I found your teaching style compassionate and patient, and never once afraid to ask a question. That was the best workshop on soils I’ve seen. I’ve studied with many organic gardening teachers, and that’s the first time someone has put it in a way that I can understand and see the big picture. Thank you.” ~Heather
“I wanted to further my studies with Natural Healing. I found a course through The Living Centre – Practical Herbalism. It was my dream to do this course. Amazing course, my brain was always thinking of the course and the answers to the Questions. Shantree is an Amazing Teacher, and the knowledge he has he shares with you and always answers and helps you along the course. Thank you for making my dreams come true.” ~Valerie
“As I reflect on the educational aspects of our program, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for contributing to our internship program’s educational programming this year, and as always, visiting your folks is a highlight for the interns. They always come back from this trip with a greater understanding of herbal plants and forest gardening and respect for the diversity of food growing styles. They had this to say “A wonderful, pioneering place! They helped educate about organics, and now they’re taking the next step towards forest gardening.” ~Jaye Crawford, Ignatius Farm Interns, 2012
“I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for contributing to our internship program this year. For the interns, our day at the Living Centre was a definite highlight of the internship. We left feeling inspired and full of new ideas. It was fabulous to see such a successful example of what Permaculture, herbalism and forest gardening can be and how we can implement their principles in our lives.
Field trips, workshops, and farm tours greatly enhance the internship experience by exposing interns to diverse farming and food systems and planting ideas for directions they will choose as they move forward. Not all interns will pursue farming as a career path, but what is certain is that they all have a deepened appreciation for agriculture and will become advocates for sustainable food systems in their ways.
We sincerely appreciate that you have been open to sharing your time and knowledge with us this season. On behalf of the entire Ignatius Farm CSA team, thank you once again for your involvement in educating for a healthy food system for the future. With gratitude.”
~Kailea MacGillivray, Senior Education Intern and Volunteer Coordinator, Ignatius Farm CSA
Dates: June 3 - September 9, 2024
Price: $1500
Plus HST tax
Early-Bird Price
1250 (payment two months before the starting date)
Please send an e-transfer to our email address:
Pre-registration is essential for participation. Kindly register at least a week before the commencement date.
Please read our Commitment & Cancellation Policy.
Meet your instructor
Shantree Kacera
Shantree Kacera, R.H., D.N., Ph.D., an international author and teacher, co-directs Eco-Spiritual Education Sanctuary since 1983. With a doctorate in Nutritional Medicine and Herbalism, Shantree pioneers integrative approaches to Ayurvedic Medicine, Living Nutrition, and Herbalism. Recognized as a Herbal elder by the Canadian Council of Herbalist Association.
A passionate curator, mentor, and Earth advocate. His deep spiritual connection to the Earth aligns with his dedication to native plant preservation.