Transitioning Guidelines for Fasting Programs
To make any fasting program be effective it’s important to follow basic guidelines. The guidelines below are an essential part of make the fasting program that much more effective.
Juice Fasting
Regular healthy foods
2 weeks low-fat, alkalizing cleansing foods
3-30 days fresh organic juices and herbal teas
1 day miso sea vegetable soup or smooth blended warming vegetable soup
3-30 days low fat, alkalizing cleansing foods
Regular healthy foods
The duration of time spent on each of the above sections depends on the person’s constitution. This includes physical, emotional, and spiritual circumstance and needs.
Water Fasting
Regular Healthy Foods
2 weeks low-fat, alkalizing cleansing foods
3 days fresh organic juices and herbal teas
4-10 days water only
3 days miso sea vegetable soup or smooth blended warming vegetable soup
3-30 days low fat, alkalizing cleansing foods
Regular healthy foods
The duration of time spent on each of the above sections depends on the person’s constitution. This includes physical, emotional, and spiritual circumstance and needs.
Note: for every day of a water fast, there should be one day of recovery. If you spend 7 days on a water fast, you should spend at least 7 days recovering before engaging in intensive physical or mental activity.