
Sevenfold Path of Peace Diploma Course

To qualify for the Sevenfold Path Educators diploma course, the following pre-requisites must be completed in the following three-part process:

Part 1: Correspondence Course

The Sevenfold Path Correspondence Course is divided into eight chapters and presented in a binder with the essential material to provide you with the information and instruction needed to become a Sevenfold Peace Educator. You will receive this in a lovely binder. In addition, you will receive reference books from the leaders in the field of Peace Culture as essential parts of your study.

Upon completion of each chapter, you will be asked to submit the lesson for review and feedback.

After completing the correspondence material, you will be asked to complete a written 5,000-word thesis to deepen your competence and the practices and principles of the Sevenfold Path of Peace. The estimated time for completion of the course is 12 to 24 months.

Part 2: Completion of our 3-Week Residential Apprenticeship Program

  1.  The Sevenfold Path One Month Residential Apprenticeship program

Part 3: Six One-on-One Private Sessions

Part 3: An advanced study and research project and a 5000-word thesis on your topic of choice related to this field of study.

Part 4: Final Presentation

Qualified participants will receive personal instruction, practice, and evaluation in the seven aspects of living in peace and the practical steps to apply this in one’s life and career. Teaching and speaking skills will be reviewed, and support will be given to developing the expertise needed to facilitate the Sevenfold Path of Peace course.

Upon completion, you can become a Sevenfold Path of Peace Educator

“By learning, you will teach; by teaching, you will understand.”~Latin Proverb


